Category Archives: Marketing

Fashion Marketing Planning

What’s in a fashion marketing campaign?   This article explores the components of a fashion marketing plan and how fashion brands can enhance their marketing strategy. Fashion marketing is concerned with meeting the needs, wants, and demands of your targeted consumer, and these goals are accomplished using the marketing mix. Fashion marketing is distinct from […]

Sweden – Utopia For Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Business

The general thought and notion of the Swede is for them to be reserved, quiet and maybe stick to themselves more then other more outspoken and spontaneous populations. Is this really a good environment for a multi level marketing business to thrive and for its representatives to earn not only additional income but considerable salaries? […]

Guest Blogging: How To Do It The Right Way

Blogging is becoming very common in the online world as a majority of people either read or write articles online. The current generation of marketers has started incorporating blogging in the online marketing strategies of companies and businesses to attract the right visitors. Guest blogging is one such marketing strategy that has helped many businesses […]