Category Archives: Marketing

Top Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Over the last decade, social networks have brought remarkable transformations in our day to day life. Rise of social media across the globe have revolutionized the way we communicate and share information. Not just the personal lives, but social networking applications have made their way into the business world. Marketing through the social media channels […]

How to Use Podcasts in Your Online Marketing Strategy

Despite the increase in video streaming, podcasts remain a popular medium. This means that you should consider using podcasts in your online marketing strategy. You can use them to repurpose old blog articles or to build relationships with influencers in your industry. The use of podcasts helps with brand exposure and is a highly cost-effective […]

How to Use Blogging As an Inbound Marketing Strategy

In the digital/online space, effective content is one that provides relevant and valuable information to individuals along the continuum of Visitors–Leads–Customers. This is what Inbound marketing captures. What then is Inbound marketing? According to Hubspot Academy, Inbound marketing is the process of attracting customers through relevant and helpful content which adds value to them. Online […]