Effective Guerrilla Marketing Strategy – How To Position Yourself Better By Means Of Backlinks

Anyone who possesses a blog or website would want to make use of an effective guerrilla marketing strategy that involves backlinks to get themselves recognized as expert marketers. As a result, you may be keen to discover how backlinks can improve the ranking of your site or blog.

The whole purpose of backlinks is to attract prospects to your site or blog once they came across a comment or post made by you. It is just another way of networking where your customers are not even aware of it. Why all the hype about backlinking. Learn more about it in our next section.

Why are Backlinks So Important

Backlinks serve to get any webmaster or blog owner to rank higher with regards to page rank. It is crucial for website owners to attract a quality backlink as it could either count in their favour or against them as far as getting top quality traffic is concerned. It goes to show how guerrilla marketers reason. They will do what it takes to rank higher on the search engines. There is no need to splash around a lot of cash to achieve this. All it takes is time and patience.

We looked at some useful ways on how to get backlinks that actually means something

Natural Back linking

You must guard against making use of automated tools where you would rake in 1000s of backlinks in a short space of time. This is not how guerrilla marketing works. Besides, Google loves natural backlinks. Do not fall for schemes where you get to submit posts to thousand of sites as this will bite you in the back and get you banned by Google.

How many Backlinks do You Have?

Make an effort to find out how many backlinks you have. This will ensure you know what authority you have in the world wide web universe. You could use Open Site Explore or SeoMoz for this.

Utilising Forums to Get Backlinks

Forums are a great way to obtain quality backlinks. Not only will it serve to improve your visibility on the search engines, but you stand a very good chance of improving your page rank. It is another form of networking as you would be sharing points that are related to what you have to offer. This way your blog or site will automatically become a backlink. How cool is that for an effective guerrilla marketing strategy?

As long as you remember to comment regularly and actively get involved in discussion that relates to your niche. It is one of the best ways to drive good traffic and backlinks that would mean something.

More marketers than ever before realize the importance of FREE guerrilla marketing tactics to get your business the recognition it deserves. One should therefore never undermine the power blogging has to help you obtain high quality backlinks.

Backlinks are an excellent way to attract more traffic. Having said that, it is really about where they come from that makes a difference.

One way to get the best backlinks is through posting legitimate comments on blogs that rank high or blogs within your niche. This way you get to post your link which in turn serves as your backlink.

People who find your comments valuable and informative will most likely head over to your website. This is how guerrilla marketers would go about leveraging the power of backlinks.

Guerrilla Marketing