Blogging 101

Are you new to blogs and blogging? Then this primer is for you.

The word blog, is actually a blend of two words, web and log; which leads to weblog, and finally blog. A blog is a website that is used like an online journal. It can let you express your feelings or thoughts on a particular topic.

Like other media outlets, blogs often focus on varied topics. These subjects can range from discussions about politics, sports, music, fashion, foods, etc. and can be very instrumental in reaching others, letting them know your thoughts, feelings, ability, passions and even create profits for your business. Whatever those passions are, they likely are shared by millions of people around the world.

Since their first appearance in 1995, blogs have dramatically course of communication, affecting public opinion and mass media around the globe.

The term blogging is the process of authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog. The person who posts blog entries is called a blogger.

Blog posts typically consist of:

o Title- main title or a headline

o Body- main content of the post

o Comments- added by readers

o Permalink- the URL(Uniform Resource Locator) of an individual article

o Post date- date and time the entry was posted

Some blog entries optionally include:

o Categories or tags- subjects on the content the blog discusses

o Trackback- links to other sites that are connected to the entry


Blogs have characteristics that separate them from standard web pages. Blogs allow for easy production of new pages, new submissions can be entered into a simple form, with the title, the category and the main content of the article.

These forms are called templates. The templates are programmed to be fully automated, they create a new full article page, which is then added to the homepage, with the appropriate date.

Some notable web hosting companies like, America Online, and internet portals like, Yahoo or Google, as well as social networking sites like, MySpace, Facebook and YouTube provide blog production and hosting services.


Blogs differ from forums or newsgroups because only the author the blog posted can create new subjects for discussion. Networks of blogs can serve like a forum because every blog in the network can produce subjects.


o Personal- your online diary. You can post thoughts or daily experiences informing the world what is happening with you.

o Career- usually focused on one’s professional ability and passion

o Cultural- discusses about sports, theatre, music and other arts. These are among the most read blogs.

o Business- starting, operating, promoting, financing, all areas of business are written about

o Science

o Religion and Spirituality

o Mlog- a mobile blog, in which the content is posted to the internet from mobile device

o Vlog-video blogging via a webcam and posting to sites like YouTube

o Educational- that is used by students to record what they learn and mentors to record what they teach

Blogs are like a camera lens to your life, in which people can peer through and catch a momentary image of you.